This is an early project where I practice creating a E-commerce site. The site Logins in and checks for authentication with a hashed password, or allows the user to register a new username and password. The site also collects data from the customer location in order to utilize Goggle apis for Geolocation, Geocoding, and Directions. All data is stored in a SQL database for storage and retrieval. Future plans allow for the company to track the delivery of products through Goggle's Transport Tracker.
This is my first group project. In this project we allow users to create a profile, search for movies and submit blogs posts on the movie they are interested in. We used OMDb API site to gather data and poster information on movies and television shows that the in which user searches for content. We then use this data to propagate the fields and blog posts all over the website. All user data and api data is stored in a SQL database, for future reference. I personally handled the SQL data files using Express, node, massive to pass the data to the individual components. I also used express-session and bcryptjs to handle authentication of the users login information. The users password is hashed and stored in the sql movie-users table for security. This was my first experience using a group to Merge, Pull, and Push data up to GitHub. Knowing how to handle merge conflicts and using issues to convey problems and fixes was useful.
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Feel free to send me an email anytime. I would love to hear from anyone about Development, Mobile, React, Javascript, or especially Jiu-Jitsu.